Feeling blue in the bog

Feeling blue in the bog


While on vacation for Canada day in Ottawa, we went on a hike to Mer Bleue Bog. During this hike, we learned that the bog is the largest bog and natural area in the Ottawa region, and the second-largest bog in southern Ontario. The signs also explained how a research station measure the amount of carbon dioxide and methane released by the wetlands. Although optimistic, I remeber I couldn't help but feel sad that day. "This bog might be helpful now by reducing greenhouse gases a bit, but it won't be able to stop the climate from changing" I said to my dad as we walked back. "That is true," he agreed. "It won't change that; but there are other things that can. Like people like you. People who care and are willing to spread the message that we need to care." I haven't stopped caring since that day, and I never will stop spreading the message of conservation and climate change awareness.


Morgan Glofcheskie