About The Event
The Canadian Botanical Association's (CBA) annual conference gathers 80-120 motivated members (professors, students, researchers and professionals, naturalists) to share their latest research findings. This year's edition will be held under the theme "Rooted Together for the North" and will encompass a wide range of botanical research fields, including physiology, taxonomy, phylogeny, mycology, plant development and ecology. To underline inter- and intra-specific interactions at the 2022 edition, inspiring presentations from the world's leading experts in plant and associated organisms will be offered.
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, some elements will also be available online in a hybrid model.
Monday to Thursday
5-9 June
Event Speakers
Annie DesRochers
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Arunika Gunawardena
Dalhousie University
Melanie Jones
University of British Columbia - Okanagan
Mélanie Roy
Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III
Detailed Schedule
Workshop - Bryophyte identification - 09:00
moderator: Julie Arseneault
09:00 - Nicole FENTON
Atelier d'initiation à l'identification des bryophytes - Bryophyte identification workshop
Workshop - Using genomics to identify species - 09:00
moderator: Mebarek Lamara
Collines Kékéko
Workshop - Abitibian soil formation - 09:00
moderator: Toky Jeriniaina Rabearison
09:00 - Pierre CARTIER
Liens entre le sol et les plantes - Links between soil and plants
Board meeting - 13:00
moderator: Nicole Fenton
Opening ceremonies - 17:00
moderator: Nicole Fenton
Public conference - 19:00
moderator: Mélissande Nagati
19:00 - Roger LARIVIÈRE
Installing posters - 08:00
moderator: Julie Arseneault
Venez installer votre affiche à l'endroit désigné - Come and install your poster in the designated place
Opening word - 08:30
08:30 - Nicole FENTON
Mot de bienvenue, lancement des conférences et instructions générales - Word of welcome, launch of the conferences and general instructions
Keynote - 09:00
moderator: Nicole Fenton
09:00 - Melanie JONES
Lessons from a career in ectomycorrhiza research.
Coffee break - 10:00
Lunch break - 12:00
Poster session - 17:00
#1 - Bryar AL JAF
Designing new LAMP assays for fungi detection and quantification
Abstract -
#2 - Lucie BARBIER
Expliciter la relation entre la variabilité environnementale et la xylogénèse pour améliorer les projections du bilan carbone de la forêt boréale.
Abstract -
#3 - Naziha BENDOU
Étude phytochimique et biologique d'une plante médicinale algérienne : Carthamus Caeruleus
Abstract -
#4 - Éléonor (EB) BERGERON-DE PANI
Sélection de composés phénoliques pour réduire la décomposition des sphaignes en tourbières
Abstract -
#5 - Rémi BOISVERT
Communautés de lichens de la côte nord du lac Supérieur (Ontario): Effet de l'interaction entre le macro-climat, la structure forestière et les substrats
Abstract -
#6 - Clémence BOIVIN
Foresterie multifonctionnelle : est-il possible de favoriser à la fois la biodiversité et la séquestration du carbone ?
Abstract -
#7 - Katharina BRAEUTIGAM
Tree seed germination under stress
Abstract -
#8 - Corey William BURT
Systematic revision of Cuscuta L. section Indecorae: a combined ecological, morphometric, and phylogenetic approach.
Abstract -
#9 - Richard T. CANERS
Influence of regional climate on the threatened Haller’s Apple Moss (Bartramia halleriana) microclimate
Abstract -
#10 - Manon CARBONI
Dynamique des communautés végétales du sous-bois de la forêt boréale mixte située à l'ouest du Québec
Abstract -
#11 - Jonathan CAZABONNE
Soil fungal communities of Abitibi esker forests
Abstract -
#12 - Myriam CLOUTIER
Automated identification of tree species using deep learning and drone imagery in a deciduous forest
Abstract -
#13 - Elise DESCHENES
Bryophytes and vascular plants show differing taxonomic and functional biodiveristy patterns along latitudinal gradients in bogs and fens
Abstract -
#14 - Ines DIAMANT
Boreal birds and all you've ever wanted to know about their favorite structural attributes in mixed old-growth forest
Abstract -
#15 - Megan FASS
Monitoring changing intertidal fucoid communities using unmanned aerial vehicle imaging and deep learning algorithms Annulé - Canceled
Abstract -
#16 - Océane FOGLIANI
Microbiomes associés aux peuplements multi-clonaux de peuplier faux-tremble
Abstract -
#17 - Marie FRISSARD
Évaluation du potentiel antibactérien et caractérisation chimique et biologique de plantes issues de la forêt boréale.
Abstract -
#18 - Morgan GLOFCHESKIE
Diversity and Evolution of Inflorescences in Cuscuta
Abstract -
Defining rarity and commonness in bryophyte boreal species
Abstract -
#20 - Laura HJARTARSON
Biological soil crusts in Québec's boreal forest to improve restoration outcomes
Abstract -
#21 - Deanna HOLT-SCHMITT
From lake-effect to logs: The diversity of bryophytes around Lake Superior
Abstract -
#22 - Toky Jeriniaina RABEARISON
Concilier la productivité des clones et la séquestration de carbone dans le sol dans une plantation de peuplier hybride
Abstract -
#23 - Nickolas Francis LAKE
Holocene fire history of Terra Nova National Park
Abstract -
#24 - John MARKHAM
Nitrogen fixation in cryptogams at a high elevation cloud forest in Costa Rica
Abstract -
#25 - Alexandre (AM) MICHAUD
Contribuer à la sélection de cultivars de saules à croissance rapide par l’étude de la communauté d’insectes ravageurs et bénéfiques
Abstract -
#26 - Tamara MONTOYA
Abscission in plants: composition and function of protective surface layers
Abstract -
#27 - Rafael OTFINOWSKI
Impacts of grazing on the structure and function of soil nematode communities in wet meadow rangelands
Abstract -
#28 - Chloé PELLETIER
Transmission des savoirs et utilisation des bleuets par les femmes Atikamekw Nehirowiskewok de Wemotaci (Qc, Canada)
Abstract -
#29 - Nicolas PERRAULT
Redistribution de l'arsenic par l'ascenseur hydraulique du saule noir (Salix nigra)
Abstract -
Impact de l'établissement des plantations à croissance rapide utilisant des espèces exotiques sur la biodiversité de la végétation de sous-bois
Abstract -
#31 - Colleen ROBERTSON
Structure, Function, and Drought Tolerance of Northern Prairie Communities, 50 Years After Grazing
Abstract -
#32 - Christina AM ROSSI
Natural Variation in Temperature-Modulated Immunity of Arabidopsis thaliana
Abstract -
Effects of Glyphosate on Melatonin Levels in Wild Strawberries under Three Different Environmental Conditions.
Abstract -
#34 - Santokh SINGH
Teaching and Learning in Upper-level Plant Physiology and Development laboratory courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract -
#35 - Santokh SINGH
A New and Efficient Micro Assay Method for Measuring the Gibberellic acid-induced alpha-Amylase Activity in Barley Seeds
Abstract -
#36 - Laura SUPER
Conifer phytobiomes within consortia: effects of vegetation neighborhood, soil properties, and anthropogenic change on seedling performance
Abstract -
#37 - Christina THIBEAULT
Valorisation phytochimique et biologique du bois de pin blanc
Abstract -
#38 - Jazmen TOURANGEAU
Diversity of host ranges in Cuscuta gronovii species complex (sect. Oxycarpae, subg. Grammica) Annulé - Canceled
Abstract -
#39 - Kathleen WOODHOUSE
Dendrochronological analyses of temperature-growth divergence in three tree species of the boreal forest of Ontario
Abstract -
#40 - Xiangbo YIN
Out of sight, out of mind: changes in feather moss phyllosphere structure in mine offsite boreal landscapes
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 1/5: When math meets botany - 10:30
moderator: Juanita Rodriguez
10:30 - Maxence SOUBEYRAND
Modélisation du comportement des peuplements de feuillus tempérés dans une matrice coniférienne.
Abstract -
10:45 - Christina AM ROSSI
How accurately can we estimate basal area from cores - Pith eccentricity increases error in basal area estimation but can be rectified by taking a second core.
Abstract -
11:00 - Sarah ISHAK
Of Microbiomes and Mosses: Functions of the boreal moss microbiome from north Québec and Alaska
Abstract -
11:15 - Marc-Frédéric INDORF
Vegetation community assembly patterns in boreal peatlands: using a spatial hierarchical approach
Plant development symposium: Environmental response of tree development - 13:00
13:00 - Katharina BRAEUTIGAM
Epigenetics in plant development: from profiles to phenotype
Abstract -
13:30 - Isabel MOLINA
Building a tough skin: Suberin biosynthesis in poplar cork
Abstract -
14:00 - Samuel ROBIN
Simuler l'avenir pour découvrir l'impact des changements climatiques sur la germination et l'établissement des semis boréaux
Abstract -
14:15 - Maísa DE NORONHA
Leaf litter diversification in the survival and development of black spruce plants: a greenhouse experiment
Abstract -
14:30 - Uwe HACKE
Seasonal patterns of vascular tissue biology in boreal trees
Contributed presentations - Systematic section: Journey through taxonomical time - 15:30
moderator: Julie Arseneault
15:30 - Étienne LACROIX-CARIGNAN
Towards an updated floristic treatment of hawthorns in Québec (Crataegus, Rosaceae)
Abstract -
15:45 - Timothy A. DICKINSON
The ROM's hawthorn collection: a resource for future studies
Abstract -
16:00 - Étienne LACROIX-CARIGNAN
Hybridization and species boundaries in Carex subsect. Lupulinae
Contributed presentations - Mycology section: Journey through the different types of fungal interactions - 10:30
moderator: Mélissande Nagati
10:30 - Étienne LÉVEILLÉ-BOURRET
Are plant parasites good taxonomists? A case study using fungal parasites of sedges (Cyperaceae)
Abstract -
10:45 - Marta ALONSO-GARCÍA
Co-dispersal of symbionts in the reindeer lichen Cladonia stellaris inferred from genomic data
Abstract -
11:00 - Faezeh ALIABADI
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Metacapnodiaceae S. Hughes & Corlett
Abstract -
11:15 - Kendra SAMPSON
Assessing arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization and rhizosphere carbon stocks across a chronosequence of salt marshes in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 2/5: When we highlight the boreal forest - 13:00
13:00 - Jonathan Kusa KIMBUKUSU
Les effets de divers traitements sylvicoles sur le contrôle de l'aulne rugueux et la remise en productivité forestière en forêt boréale
Abstract -
13:15 - Natalie VUONG
Loss of black spruce foliage with age promotes richness and abundance of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens along branches
Abstract -
13:30 - Mélanie JEAN
Nitrogen fixation associated with bryophytes from coastal forests of the boreal-temperate ecotone
Abstract -
13:45 - Nils AMBEC
Vascular plant and bryophyte communities’ contrasts in former post-glacial islands and former submerged hills of western Quebec
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 3/5: When it's time for conservation - 15:30
15:30 - Nicholas HILL
Floral elements and geological and heating patterns determine the conservation future in Nova Scotia
Abstract -
15:45 - Trinitas Evette CHISHOLM
The effect of recreational trails on exotic and rare plants in Alberta's Rocky Mountains
Abstract -
16:00 - Rajesh RAJASELVAM
Experiential Learning Boosts Plant Conservation
Keynote - 08:30
moderator: Nicole Fenton
08:30 - Mélanie ROY
From mycorrhizae to the landscape: what soil diversity teaches us about plant-fungi interactions in forests, and their role on the long-term
Magister - 10:00
moderator: Nicole Fenton
10:00 - Arunika GUNAWARDENA
Keeping Plant biology alive: attracting more students to the field
Teaching workshop - 11:00
moderator: Nicole Fenton
11:00 - Laura SUPER
Plants from K-12 to post-secondary: Action-based research and learning using STEAM and citizen/community science – CBA/ABC – 2022
Ecology section meeting - 12:00
Mycology section meeting - 12:00
Plant development section meeting - 12:00
Systematic section meeting - 12:00
Keynote - 08:30
moderator: Nicole Fenton
08:30 - Annie DESROCHERS
Physiological integration of trees through root connections and natural root grafts.
Contributed presentations - Ecology Section 4/5: When humans interven, for better or for worse - 10:00
moderator: Marie Guittonny
10:00 - Marie-Anne VIAU
Le compagnonnage entre une plante alimentaire (Solanum lycopersicum) et des plantes phytorémédiatrices (Salix discolor, Achillea millefolium, Trifolium repens)
Abstract -
10:15 - Béatrice GERVAIS-BERGERON
Prédire les services de phytoremédiation des saules sur une friches industrielles grâce aux traits fonctionnels
Abstract -
10:30 - Mary Ann C. PERRON
Effects of urbanization on wetland plant communities of constructed ponds
Abstract -
10:45 - Maxime (M) THOMAS
Impact of industrial disturbances on the chemical properties of Rhododendron groenlandicum in three Indigenous communities of western Québec
Abstract -
11:00 - Nicole Kathryn BOTTEN
Long-term glyphosate persistence in forest plant tissues and related impacts on plant nutrients
Abstract -
11:15 - Alexandra R. GOLT
Consequences of glyphosate-based herbicides on the reproductive morphology of Rosa acicularis (Prickly Rose).
Abstract -
11:30 - Sarah POIRIER
Identification et quantification des bioaérosols urbains (pollens, microorganismes) selon un gradient socio-économique
Abstract -
11:45 - Simon MORVAN
Effet limité de la fauche thermique sur le bleuet sauvage et son microbiote.
Abstract -
12:00 - Jérémy FRAYSSE
Les insectes en ville contribuent-ils à la dispersion des microorganismes entre les végétaux ?
Contributed presentations - Development section: Journey into the heart of the cell and genome - 13:30
moderator: Mebarek Lamara
13:30 - Sophie TATTRIE
Unraveling key regulators-roles and interactions in lace plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis) programmed cell death using computational models
Abstract -
13:45 - Sohiba KHAYOL MUHAMMAD
Investigation of phytohormone Auxin (IAA) on programmed cell death during perforation formation in lace plant leaves (Aponogeton Madagascariensis)
Abstract -
14:00 - Mark E. SAMUELS
Genomic studies of Canadian Chenopodium berlandieri (pitseed goosefoot)
Abstract -
14:15 - Shanukie M. EMBULDENIYA
Extraction Techniques Affect the Bioactivity of Anthocyanins Extracted from Lace Plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis) Leaves
Abstract -
14:30 - Cristopher ALBOR
Plant polyploidy, floral trait differentiation and reproductive success
Vanishing old-growth forests in Canada: A symposium on their ecology and value for society - 10:00
moderator: André Arsenault
10:00 - Marianne IGNACE
Re tsreprep, xwexweyyt ri7 re kw'seltktens-kucw! Kinship, traditional knowledge and ways of thinking of trees in Secwepemc language and culture
Abstract -
10:20 - Trevor GOWARD
Lichens of Old: Toward a Theory of Oldgrowth Dependency
Abstract -
10:50 - Maxence MARTIN
"Old" is not precise enough: a finer knowledge of old-growth boreal forests is critical to successful conservation and management strategies
Abstract -
11:10 - Darwyn COXSON
Conservation of old-growth forest biota in British Columbia's Inland Temperate Rainforest
Abstract -
11:30 - André ARSENAULT
The ecology and management of Canadian old-growth rainforests: a tale of two coasts.
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 5/5: When the elements are unleashed - 13:30
moderator: André Arsenault
13:30 - Jeff DECH
Stable oxygen isotope analysis of charred bark as a tool for assessing the severity of past forest fire events.
Abstract -
13:45 - David GARBARY
Blow me away! Historical changes in wind in Atlantic Canada
Abstract -
14:00 - Liette VASSEUR
Responses of nine cover crops species to drought and saturated soil conditions
Abstract -
14:15 - Ziqi YE
Seasonal patterns of plant below-ground growth and nitrogen uptake are specific to root overwintering strategies of wetland monocotyledonous species
Annual general meeting - 15:30
Board meeting - 17:30
Terrain - Field
Field-trip - 08:00
Abstract -
Abstract -
Abstract -
General Schedule
Workshops to be held at the Rouyn-Noranda campus
Registration and check-in
All participants are invited to register to front desk. CBA 2022 adheres to and respects the health rules in force.
Opening ceremony
All conference participants and the general public are invited to a late afternoon and evening of activities to mark the opening of the conference! After an opening ceremony and a presentation by an Elder, we are pleased to welcome the Screaming Eagles, a drumming group from the community of lac Simon, who will offer us a performance. Three art exhibitions will also be open to the public and conference participants within the walls of UQAT. The UQAT bistro bar will be open and there will be a sale of hot dogs (meat and veg).
Public conference by Mr. Roger Larivière
Keynote Melanie Jones
Lessons from a career in ectomycorrhiza research
Coffee break
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 1/5
When math meets botany
Contributed presentations - Mycology section
Journey through the different types of fungal interactions
Lunch break
Plant development symposium - Environmental response of tree development
This symposium will explore a wide range of processes through which developmental responses allow trees to withstand the environment. Trees, as long-lived sessile organisms, acclimate to the diverse environmental conditions they encounter in part through phenotypic plasticity - an alteration of plant development in response to the environment. The epigenetic mechanisms that control sex determination and flower development in the dioecious Populus genus will be explored. Studies in Populus trichocarpa will elucidate the structure and biosynthesis of suberin, a heteropolymer that is formed in the periderm of woody plants and protects them against desiccation and pathogen attack. Work conducted in boreal trees will consider the seasonality of xylem and phloem production, the seasonal changes to xylem and phloem characteristics, and the seasonal response of root architecture, all of which affect the tree's ability to deal with changes in water availability during the growing season. Finally, the impact of predicted temperature increases on boreal forest seed germination and establishment will be considered.
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 2/5
When we highlight the boreal forest
Coffee break
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 3/5
When it's time for conservation
Contributed presentations - Systematic section
Journey through taxonomical time
Poster session
Keynote Melanie Roy
Coffee break
Magister Arunika Gunawardena
Teaching workshop Facilitator Laura Super
Plants from K-12 to post-secondary: Action-based research and learning using STEAM and citizen/community science
Lunch break
Visit of the research forest and laboratories
At the Lake Duparquet Research and Teaching Forest
BBQ and auction
In Rapide Danseur old church
Keynote Annie Desrochers
coffee break
Ecology symposium
Vanishing old-growth forests in Canada: A symposium on their ecology and value for society
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 4/5
When human intervenes, for better or for worse
Lunch break
Contributed presentations - Ecology section 5/5
When the elements are unleashed
Contributed presentations - Development section
Journey into the cell's and genome's heart
Coffee break
Annual General Meeting
Banquet, Award Ceremony and Closing Remarks
To end the annual meeting in style after 2 years of virtual events, the organizing committee has seen things big. The closing banquet will be held in the warmth of the historic Paramount located in the heart of downtown Rouyn-Noranda. Accompanied by the music of the group Northern Lights, you can enjoy the gastronomic buffet with forest and regional flavors prepared by the renowned Témiscabitibienne chef, Jézabel Pilote. The banquet will also be the occasion for the CBA awards ceremony, which will be followed by a second performance by Northern Lights, this time more rhythmic, to get you ready for the dance party that will follow.
The ticket price includes the entertainment, the meal and a glass of wine per guest. Bar service and cloakroom on site.
Put your expertise to good use during this bioblitz at Parc national Opémican in Témiscamingue. This brand new protected area will benefit from the passage of botanists in the region through this activity where we will try to document the presence of as many species as possible, mainly plants but not exclusively! We welcome any other expertise! This breathtakingly beautiful park will charm you. And what better way to reward yourself for the work accomplished than a gourmet meal we will have.
Number of participants: Minimum (5) & Maximum (15)
Discover the fauna from Abitibi-Témiscamingue’s boreal forest by visiting the Refuge Pageau. This establishment welcomes injured or in need wild animals with an aim of rehabilitation in order to release them back in the wild. When release is not possible, the shelter provides long-term shelter for these animals. The guided tour is therefore an incredible opportunity to learn more about the animals of the region, to observe them closely and to encourage their recovery.
In the afternoon, La Grande Ourse honey house opens its doors to discover the fabulous world of beekeeping thanks to a beekeeping Safari. Certified organic, it is with passion that this small business in the region takes advantage of market garden plants and wild flowers of the region to produce delicious honey. We will taste mead and honey-based gin with boreal spices.
Number of participants: Minimum (5) & Maximum (25)
Join the Wild Basket, an Anishinabek corporation working to reconnect people to traditional foods, in a walk through their traditional foraging grounds, followed by a light lunch. This is an excellent opportunity learn about our familiar Canadian plants through a different lens!
8:30am to 3:00pm
Minimum 5, maximum 18. Cost 80$
Discover many species at their northern limit of distribution in the Kékékos Hills. These hills, about 15 minutes outside of Rouyn-Noranda, are an important attraction for outdoor enthusiasts. About 15 trails are accessible year-round. They offer a variety of difficulty levels and hiking length. The many trails will allow you to explore different ecosystems and discover many species at the northern edge of their range. The bravest may even swim in one of the two mountain lakes.
Virtual poster room
Visit our virtual poster room. We encourage you to "give your rate & review" to the authors
Click here to enter
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) in Rouyn-Noranda
With approximately 40,000 inhabitants, Rouyn-Noranda is the largest city in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region. Surrounded by the beautiful boreal forest, the city offers many opportunities to discover the outdoors as well as a wide range of cultural activities.
Learn more about : https://www.tourisme-abitibi-temiscamingue.org/ or https://www.uqat.ca/
Lake Duparquet Research and Teaching Forest (FERLD), Duparquet
The mission of the Lake Duparquet Forest is develop, through research, experimentation and demonstration, forest management and silvicultural practices that respect the function of the natural milieu while taking into consideration socio-economic expectations.
Learn more about: https://ferld.uqat.ca/
Artistic exhibits
La résilience des végétaux
Émilie B. Côté
Symphonies boréales
Maxime Martin
Atlas de biodiversité :
les milieux humides - Chapitre 1
Julia Morarin
The CBA regularly organises auctions of botanical items with all proceedings going to fund student travel bursaries. This year we gave out more than 3000$! Check out a few of the fabulous items that will be for sale at the auction during the BBQ!
Wednesday June 8th
To end the annual meeting in style after 2 years of virtual events, the organizing committee has seen things big. The closing banquet will be held in the warmth of the historic Paramount located in the heart of downtown Rouyn-Noranda. Accompanied by the music of the group Northern Lights, you can enjoy the gastronomic buffet with forest and regional flavors prepared by the renowned Témiscabitibienne chef, Jézabel Pilote. The banquet will also be the occasion for the CBA awards ceremony, which will be followed by a second performance by Northern Lights, this time more rhythmic, to get you ready for the dance party that will follow.
The ticket price includes the entertainment, the meal and a glass of wine per guest. Bar service and cloakroom on site.
Field trip - Opémican National Park, Témiscamingue
Put your expertise to good use during this bioblitz at Parc national Opémican in Témiscamingue. This brand new protected area will benefit from the passage of botanists in the region through this activity where we will try to document the presence of as many species as possible, mainly plants but not exclusively! We welcome any other expertise! This breathtakingly beautiful park will charm you. And what better way to reward yourself for the work accomplished than a gourmet meal we will have.
Number of participants: Minimum (5) & Maximum (15)
Field trip - Plants at their limit, Rouyn-Noranda
Discover many species at their northern limit of distribution in the Kékékos Hills. These hills, about 15 minutes outside of Rouyn-Noranda, are an important attraction for outdoor enthusiasts. About 15 trails are accessible year-round. They offer a variety of difficulty levels and hiking length. The many trails will allow you to explore different ecosystems and discover many species at the northern edge of their range. The bravest may even swim in one of the two mountain lakes.
Number of participants: Minimum (5) & Maximum (30)
Field trip - Wild Basket
Join the Wild Basket, an Anishinabek corporation working to reconnect people to traditional foods, in a walk through their traditional foraging grounds, followed by a light lunch. This is an excellent opportunity learn about our familiar Canadian plants through a different lens!
8:30am to 3:00pm
Minimum 5, maximum 18. Cost 80$
To register for the CBA Conference, you must choose between a three-day pass or daily passes.
Whether you are a student or not, you can receive a substantial discount if you are a CBA member. Be sure to read the information points next to each fare to understand the fees.
You must have a 1 or 3 day pass to register for the June 5th workshops.
Remote access only provides access to the conference lectures.
The June 9 outings are in addition to the conferences and workshops.
The visit of the FERLD, followed by the BBQ and auction on June 7 are included for people who have a three-day pass only. People who only have a daily pass will have to pay a lump sum to have access.
The closing banquet is not included.
Regular access
In person and online
3 days
Students & post-docs
- Regular rate: 200$
Regular, Retired and Lifetime Members
- Regular rate: 400$
Students & post-docs
- Regular rate: 250$
- Regular rate: 550$
Limited access
In person and online
1 day
- Single price : 125$ / day
Online access
3 days
Students (member or not)
- Regular rate: 50$
- Regular rate: 100$
1. What are the specific instructions for oral presentations?
Each oral presentation should be 12 minutes in length, followed by 3 minutes of questions. Slides should be in PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint format. Online presentation systems should not be used (e.g. Prezi and others). Finally, to ensure that the sessions run smoothly, NO personal computer connections will be permitted during the sessions. Mac users should ensure that they have a version of their presentation that is compatible with Windows PC.
2. What are the specific instructions for posters?
Posters should be set in PORTRAIT format with maximum dimensions of 24 inches wide by 36 inches tall (60 cm x 90 cm). Read the following article (https://www.nature.com/articles/nj7387-113a) in Nature to improve the quality of your poster.
The deadline to upload your poster is May 25. Please see FAQ#3 for the procedure to follow.
3. How to vote for the photo contest
4. How to upload my presentation file (or poster)
1) Login to the intranet. Link is in the footer of the website
2) Login with the credentials you received after submitting your abstract. If you have lost your credentials, please use the “Forgot password” link
3) Select “My Abstract”
4) Click the blue pencil to edit
5) Before uploading, PLEASE rename your file as “first name-last name.ext” > “daniel-lesieur.jpg”
6) Upload your file. The file can be pdf, ppt, pptx, jpg and MUST be less than 20Mb. See “Optimization of file” for file greater than 20Mb.
7) You can change your file until May 25. Proceed to step 5
5. How do I decrease my file size for a web post ?
Here is a method to optimize the size of a PowerPoint file of a poster or presentation for web publication:
1) Open the PowerPoint document to be dropped in the intranet
2) Select a picture on one of your slides...a new tab in the toolbar will appear on the far right (Picture Format)
3) Select "Picture Format", tap on "Compress Pictures" and select the following options. Be sure to uncheck "Apply only to this picture" to apply to all images in the document
4) To convert the PowerPoint document to PDF document, select "File -> Save As", select "Browse" and "save as type: PDF format". Be sure to check the option "Minimum size (publishing online)"
5) Compressing images can alter the quality. Check that the document is legible and that the images are not blurred!
6. What is the COVID-19 policy during the conference ?
CBA-ABC 2022 is committed to respecting all public health measures in effect at the time of the conference: physical distancing, wearing a mask, providing antibacterial gel. In order to maintain a safe environment, proof of a COVID-19 vaccination recognized by the Canadian government may be required before attending activities and conferences in person.
7. What do we need to know about possible registration fee refunds ?
If CBA-ABC 2022 is forced to switch the conference to virtual mode due to the pandemic, only the online registration fee will be charged. If necessary, a partial refund will be made (in-person registration fee deducted by online registration fee). If CBA-ABC 2022 is canceled due to the pandemic, the participants will be refunded in full (except the service fees of the payment system)
8. Is the vaccination passport required to attend the conference in person ?
Depending on the health measures, a vaccination passport (or proof of vaccination against COVID-19) recognized by the Canadian government may be required to attend events and conferences in person.
9. Is a student card required ?
No. No proof of student status will be required.
10. Are meals included in the registration fee ?
Yes, lunch, the opening cocktail and appetizers during the poster competition are included in the registration fee for participants who will attend the conference in person. Additional costs apply for the Banquet. Breakfast and dinner are not included.
11. What is the transportation in Rouyn-Noranda ?
Rouyn-Noranda has various means of transportation: buses and cabs (Co-op Taxi, Kool Taxi)
12. How to get to Rouyn-Noranda ?
Car: Three main route lead to Rouyn-Noranda ( Qc101, Qc117, and Qc391)
Bus: You can also take a bus to get there from Montreal, North Bay or other cities (https://autobusmaheux.com/).
Air transportation: It is possible to arrive in Rouyn-Noranda by plane. The Rouyn-Noranda regional airport is located about 20 minutes from UQAT (http://www.ville.rouyn-noranda.qc.ca/en/page/airport/). There are also other airports near Rouyn-Noranda (Val-d'or (QC) and Timmis (ON)).
The main aviation companies serving the Rouyn-Noranda airport: Air Canada, Air liaison, Air Creebec
Shuttle: Would you like to have organized transportation from Timmins (Ontario) or Val d'Or airport to Rouyn-Noranda? Contact us, depending on the demand, we might be able to accommodate you!
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Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions!
445 Boul. de l'Université, Rouyn-Noranda, QcJ9X 4E5, Canada