The smallest old forest

The smallest old forest


"All plants have stories to tell but only if you are willing to listen". When I went to the Tablelands in Gros Morne in Newfoundland, the view was amazing. Although the ecosystem of the landscape didn't seem like, the park interpretor explained how two different tree species (larch and juniper) have survived the harsh winters and elements of the Tablelands. As she pointed to different plants, she told us that although it was only about 20 cm or so above the ground, the common juniper could live up to 250 years. Though many of the group like myself were very interested, some were not- namely my older brother. As our interpretor spoke to the group, she suddenly gasped in terror, noticing my brother standing on vary plants she spoke of without a care. She then sighed seeing his lack of interest, but turned to me, and said "These plants can tell many stories to you; but only if you are willing to listen. Always remember to be a guest in nature and listen." 


Morgan Glofcheskie